Written by Just Labs Magazine 1:09 pm My Lab

My Lab: Amos

Your Name: Karen C., Alaska

When is your Labˊs birthday? January 19, 2003

What is your Labˊs favorite food?

Popcorn. He goes crazy when I take the pan out to pop it.

What is your Labˊs most mischievous behavior?

Taking food off the counter if I leave the house and don’t take him in the car with me.

Does your Lab participate in any special activities?

Amos would make a wonderful therapy dog. He was patient, loving, intuitive, and attentive to my mom while she was in her latter stages of Alzheimer’s.

Please share a favorite story about your Lab.

Best of Amos: He is notorious in my neighborhood. Folks love to watch him run for the paper in the morning. When the mail truck arrives he runs down the driveway, up the step into the truck and takes the bundle of mail from the carrier and runs it up to the house.

Worst of Amos: One night while my family and I were at the movies (ironically) seeing the movie “Marley and Me,” he ate an entire gingerbread village. He ate the house, candy paths, trees, and even ate the cardboard base.

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Last modified: November 18, 2021