Written by Just Labs Magazine 1:12 pm My Lab

My Lab: Josie

Your Name: Cheri P., Ohio

When is your Labˊs birthday? July 5, 2010

What is your Labˊs favorite food?

Loves her some dog chow!

What is your Labˊs most mischievous behavior?

She sneaks into my bathroom trash can and loves to chew up the empty toilet paper rolls!

Does your Lab participate in any special activities?

No, just a pet Lab.

Please share a favorite story about your Lab.

We had a very difficult year in our family the year we got Josie.  We had lost several family members, and also Jim, our 14 year old Lab (featured once in your Sorta Stupid Pet Tricks). We still had Jeni, our 13 year old Lab, but I could see her health declining as well.  By chance, I found an ad in the paper that had Lab puppies for sale.  I caledl and was told they only had one left. I asked if she was the runt, and the breeder reluctantly told me that she was.  I said that was just perfect! I would be right over!  Jim was a runt, and I have a fondness for them because of him.  We brought her home to meet Jeni.  We named her Josieanna Joy because she makes us laugh every single day! Jeni and Josie bonded right away, and Josie was a faithful companion to Jeni right up to the end of Jeni’s life. Josie continues to make us laugh every day by just being herself. Obsessed with her Frisbee, a tongue that I swear can reach across the room to lick me, and a wide open heart, Josieanna Joy lives up to her name, confirming to us that the Lab breed is like no other!


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Last modified: November 18, 2021