Citizen Lab: Training a Canine Good Citizen
Lesson 1: Loose-lead walking and the sit command. Once you have decided to pursue a Canine Good...
The Vet Clinic: Warning Signs
Our dogs are great as they are, but have you ever wished they could talk? Just tell you what they wanted instead of chewing up something or...
School Days
Every good Labrador deserves a good education, including yours! With winter upon us, now is a great time to enroll in a class and round out...
The Water Bowl: Homemade Summer Treats
The end of the editorial in every single of Just Labs since (almost) the very beginning has read,...
In Their Debt: Having a Ball While Saving the World
Rescued Labs protect wildlife and wild places through Working Dogs for Conservation dropcapB/dropcapy the time the yellow Lab named ...
Citizen Lab: Teaching Hold and Delivery to Hand
Part I This article continues my discussion of getting a Lab to retrieve without force-fetching,...
In Their Debt: A Life-Saving Lab
Detection dog at Laguna Treatment Hospital helps people in recovery stay sober dropcapA/dropcapround the time James Cocco celebrated two...
In Their Debt: Hockey Dogs
NHL teams raise Labs as future service dogs – and spread a whole lot of cute along the way dropcapT/dropcaphe energy at a professional...
2021 Holiday Gift Guide
Stocking Stuffers Ultra-Durable Pipe Wrench Chew Toy The Pipe Wrench ultra-durable...