Citizen Lab: The Low-Drive Labrador
by Amy Dahl Question: At first, I thought my Lab – a two-year-old, intact female – was ill, but...
March April 2025
18 Puppy Fast FactsYou may not have known…by Tom Keer That’s a WrapBandages to take care of our Tom Goldsmith In...
Capturing Joy
Pet portraiture offers a way for owners to enjoy their Labs forever. by Jillian LaCross When you look at the artwork of Mindy Sue Werth of...
In Their Debt: Fire Dog Jo Jo
Lab highlights invaluable work of dogs who detect arson and help collar criminals. by Jen Reeder...
Product Review: Orvis Recovery Zone Dog Beds
by Jake Smith With our athletic Labs, I am always carefully observing them for any limps or gimps. Having dealt with torn cruciate...
January/February 2025
Managing the Hot DogWhen you have a handful.By E. Donnall Thomas Jr. The Best Holiday of All?Take your pick…A Photo Essay People Food...
November/December 2024
Labs on the MoveStandards of safe car Sue Alexander In Their DebtReady to Jen...
September/October 2024
SnifferooEngaging that wonderful nose. by Sue Alexander In Their DebtChloe and Jen Reeder Greener PasturesWhat is it about...
In Their Debt: Chloe and Chick
Meet the Lab living his best life as a seizure-alert dog for an amazing young woman. by Jen Reeder...