Written by Just Labs Magazine 3:46 pm My Lab

My Lab: Nestle

Your Name: Holly G., New Jersey

When is your Labˊs birthday? March 9, 2005

What is your Labˊs favorite food?

Milk Bones and ice cubes

What is your Labˊs most mischievous behavior?

I may have a Lab that is rare and doesn’t get into any trouble. Nestle has been a joy from day one. She loves to crawl under the recliner foot area to under and into the chair. She was able to get really far under as a puppy. Now at seven years old, she is just under the foot rest. What she loves best is when I have an afghan over my feet and it creates a cave for her to nap under.

Please share a favorite story about your Lab.

Nestle was about 10 weeks old when we took her on her first long road trip. She is a great traveler, and it was good to see she didn’t get car sick either. The trip was to Virginia to see her “grandparents.” It was then that Nestle discovered ice cubes and where they came from – an opening on a door on the fridge. One had missed the cup and hit the floor. She was right there to investigate and chew it up and looked up for more, it seems. Now when the ice maker button is pushed in any house we’re in, she runs to [the fridge] and expects her share before you can have yours. She also gets ice cubes when the rest of the family is having dessert. Nestle has also become my study buddy while I am finishing an online course. She knows when it is time to get to work and curls up nearby to keep me company. I am usually by myself while studying, so she becomes the security guard, too, and alerts to any noise in the house or outside. Nestle is quite a comforting presence on those nights alone.


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Last modified: November 18, 2021