Editorial Guidelines

Just Labs Magazine

Editorial Guidelines for Writers

Just Labs is the only magazine devoted entirely to the most popular dog in the nation, and its contents are aimed squarely at what these Lab-lovers are looking for.  Six times a year (January, March, May, July, September, and November), Just Labs offers readers all the information needed to get the most out of their Labs – training advice to be a good citizen, the latest health care information, profiles of how Labs help humans in various service functions, features on how you and your Lab can have fun, and columns designed specifically for the young Lab-lovers in the family.

The best way to get an idea of what we’re looking for is to read a few issues. Following are some general comments on Just Lab’s editorial requirements and policies. Please feel free to write with any questions.


  1. Please query first, and include photo support (with detailed captions), if available.
  2. Feature stories are typically 1200-1500 words and should focus on major topics: breeding/genetics; puppy issues; Labs as service dogs; caring, feeding, and health; history; fun activities; photo essays; and training. There is some room for shorter reflective lyrical and/or humor pieces if they are particularly well-written.
  3. Payment is $200-$450 upon publication. Articles submitted with high-quality, usable photographs (preferably digital) will receive a higher pay rate.
  4. Digital images must be of 300 dpi or greater and of appropriate size.
  5. We buy First North American Serial Rights for use in our magazine and Electronic Rights for posting the article on our website. We reserve the right to include the article in an electronic archive. If you maintain an author website, please include a valid URL so that we can link it with the electronic version.
  6. We try to respond to queries within six weeks.
  7. Kill fees paid are 40% of the purchased story rate.

Submit queries to jillian.lacross@vpdcs.com.

Just” for Subscribers

Of course, life with a Lab is not all about nuts and bolts and concrete information.  Living with a Lab is a calling all its own, equal parts humor and nostalgia, a unique way of looking at the world that only these great dogs can provide.  That’s why in every issue of Just Labs, we provide the following opportunities for subscribers to share about their Labs:

  • Subscriber Photos: Perhaps our most popular department, our Subscriber Photos pages offer a chance for our subscribers to proudly show us their Labs.  In every issue, between 20 and 25 photos are used to illustrate this two-page spread, six times a year – and approximately 30 photos are submitted each week for consideration in these precious spots! Submit to subscriberphotos@justlabsmagazine.com.
  • In Tribute: A place for subscribers to share a brief remembrance of the Lab recently laid to rest. Submit to jake.smith@vpdcs.com.

For the Labrador retriever diehards out there – and there isn’t any other way to be with these dogs – Just Labs is the only place that gives its readers all Labs, all issues, all the time.

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