July / August 2007
Nautical Labs
Hitting the open water with your Lab means more than just up-anchoring and hitting the wave.
by Karen Edwards & Marguerite Marsh
What Level is Your Lab?
A photo essay
by Sue Alexander
De-Skunking Remedies
Chances are, at some point, your Lab is going to get crossways with a skunk.
Hereˊs what you can use so that you donˊt have to live with the results.
by Stephen C. Rafe
All Work, Need Play
A photo essay by Jean M. Fogle
Even those hard-working service dogs need a little play.
Grooming Know-How
Tackling the shedding.
by Nadia Oxford
Twist of Fate
Sometimes the odds are meant to be beaten.
by Karen Lechner
Q & A
Some summer health issues.
The BBS Says!…
The last time my Lab embarrassed me was when…
Subscriber Photos
Sorta Stupid Lab Tricks
The World According to Junior
by Junior Watson
Thereˊs a new sheriff in town.
“Find the Tennis Ball” Winners
In Their Debt
by Shelley Bueche
Dog Scouts of America.
Citizen Lab
by Amy Dahl
Drill of the (every other) Month
by Vickie Lamb
Go to your place!
Why Labs Do That
by Tom Davis
Do Labs have a sense of humor?
The Vet Clinic
by Dr. Ben Character
Juvenile bone disease.
Just Labs – Just For Kids
by Jake Smith & Tom Goldsmith
Just because itˊs water and you have a water-loving dog, doesnˊt mean itˊs a safe place to swim.