Please click on the area of your choice below to view articles grouped by Subject, Author, or Issue. For back issues, call 844-251-2652 or order online at our store. For help finding an article, email associate editor Jillian LaCross.
wdt_ID | Title | Author | Subject | Issue |
1 | Have Lab, Will Travel | James Keldsen | Training | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
2 | This Dog We Call a Lab | Steve Smith | General Interest | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
3 | LABMED: Making Second Chances Happen | Karlene Turkington | Health and Safety | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
4 | Love Letter, A | Gene Hill | In Memoriam/Tribute | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
5 | Why Labs Do That: Acts of True Heroism | Tom Davis | Stories | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
6 | History of the Labrador Retriever, A | E. Thomas, Jr. | General Interest | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
7 | In Their Debt: Detector Dog Deluxe | Vickie Lamb | Service and Rescue | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
8 | Dinah’s Eyes | Julie Weary | In Memoriam/Tribute | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
9 | Citizen Lab: Socializing a Lab Puppy | Dr. Amy Dahl | Puppies | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
10 | Behold the Tennis Ball | Steve Smith | Photo Essay | JL MAY/JUN 2001 |
Title | Author | Subject | Issue |
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